How to Use Organization to Create a More Relaxing Space

“Dealing with household mess is a common challenge, but it doesn’t have to overwhelm you. Effective home organization is the key to maintaining a serene living environment. Discover practical solutions like versatile storage options, creating designated spaces for everything, and clear labeling. These home organization hacks will turn your home into a tranquil oasis. And when the chaos returns, as it inevitably does, you’ll have the tools to restore order. Explore our top home organization ideas to optimize your space.”

Declutter Your Home

“Swiftly decluttering your home starts with clearing your countertops and surfaces. Grab an empty bin or basket, walk through your house, and gather up misplaced or unnecessary items. As you do this, return each item to its rightful place.

For a more thorough decluttering, dedicate some time and effort. Begin by emptying drawers, cabinets, closets, and other storage areas housing clutter. Assess your possessions, separating what you genuinely need from what you don’t. Place the unneeded items into designated bags or boxes for donation or disposal.”

Create a Designated Space for Everything

“Sometimes, things may look messier initially, but it’s a necessary step in the process. To tidy up your cluttered home, you should start by emptying spaces where things tend to collect. This means taking everything out of drawers, cabinets, and closets (you can do this for different rooms at different times) to have a clear view of what you’re dealing with.

Once your storage spaces are empty, you can begin reorganizing. Group similar items together and assign specific shelves, drawers, or spots for each category. For instance, keep all your glassware in the kitchen in one place so you can easily find what you need when you’re thirsty. In your closet, hang your jackets together, making it simple to choose the right one when you’re heading out.”

Utilize Vertical Space

To make the most of your living space, think creatively about how you can use every inch of your home for storage or organization. Don’t limit yourself to built-ins and furniture. Consider utilizing your wall space, the inside of closet or cabinet doors, and even the areas above and below your rooms. For instance, if your kitchen cabinet is overcrowded and chaotic, hanging a pot and pan rack from the ceiling or on an empty wall can be a brilliant solution.

Investing in storage solutions like hanging pot and pan racks, wall-mounted hat and coat racks, office wall organizers, and other vertical storage items can be a valuable way to free up space in your home.

Use Baskets and Containers

Take a tour of your house and pinpoint items that are stacked or scattered messily on your shelves or inside cabinets. These may include functional items like extra chargers, electronics, or medical supplies that you need but haven’t organized efficiently. Group these items by category to determine your required storage containers.

Don’t think that organization means compromising your home’s aesthetics. Choose high-quality storage baskets or containers matching your decor style, allowing you to integrate organizational methods into your home seamlessly. These containers will help tidy up items that were once strewn around without a designated spot.

Make Use of Wall Space

Wall shelves are useful for extra storage and decorating. You can use them to show off small things and books. Put them up in places where you don’t have enough shelves or cabinets. For example, if you have some empty wall space above your washer or dryer, you can add a shelf there to keep your supplies.

If your home doesn’t have enough closets, you can use empty wall space as a closet. For instance, if you don’t have a closet for common areas or your bedroom closet is small, you can use wall-mounted racks and hooks to hang extra things.

Utilize the Backs of Doors

Over-the-door organizers are handy for storing things like purses, scarves, belts, and other items you’re not sure where to put. You can hang one of these on the inside of a closet door to make better use of the space and keep things tidy when the door is shut.

In smaller bathrooms, you can use an over-the-door towel rack to make use of the space on the back of the door. This is helpful for storing extra bathroom supplies if you don’t have much cabinet space. We recommend a customizable storage rack from The Container Store, as it gives you a place for extra toilet paper, cleaning stuff, hand towels, and more.

Use Hooks and Pegboards

Entryways can quickly become messy with the things we drop off when we arrive home. Using hooks and pegboards, especially those with specific spots for keys, purses, and mail, can help keep these items from taking up space on surfaces or the floor in your entryway.

Hooks and pegboards are also helpful in places we might not think about, like storage and utility closets. You can use hooks and hanging wall organizers to create a more organized system for items like brooms, mops, trash bags, and other things that can get cluttered.

Invest in Multi-Purpose Furniture

Your furniture should serve multiple purposes, especially in the entryway. Multi-functional furniture, such as a storage bench that allows you to put on and store your shoes, can simplify your daily routine and reduce clutter in your home.

In addition to a smart storage bench in the entryway, you can use storage furniture in various parts of your home. Consider adding an ottoman with concealed storage in your living room or getting a bed with extra storage space for seasonal clothing.

Make Use of Labels

Different storage containers may require different labeling approaches. For example, you can use standard sticker labels for your plastic food containers, while the woven baskets used for laundry supplies might benefit from clip-on labels.

When labeling storage bins, avoid being overly specific. Instead of dedicating an entire container to “Fabric Softener,” a broader label like “Laundry Supplies” can be more practical. This way, you can use the container for various laundry supplies, such as fabric softener, detergent, dryer sheets, and more. Similarly, consider using a general category label like “Cereal” for food storage containers rather than specifying a particular type or brand. This allows you to reuse the label and container as you replace your groceries.

Keep a Cleaning Schedule

Household tasks can seem like they’re always there, never-ending. But not all cleaning chores have to be done every day. Some are better suited for weekly, monthly, or even yearly routines. For instance, you could choose Sundays to wash all your bedding regularly, while tasks like cleaning out your closet might be more suitable for seasonal cleaning every few months.

Having a schedule for various cleaning and organizing tasks can help you manage everything and prevent chores from becoming too daunting.