Just 4,000 Steps a Day Could Add Years to Your Life, New Study Says

You’ve probably heard that walking 10,000 steps daily can make you healthier and reduce the risk of diseases. But a new study says that you might only need to walk 4,000 steps each day to live longer and lower your disease risk. Before we dive into how many steps you should take daily, let’s talk about the benefits of walking and why it’s one of the best exercises for a longer life.

Walking is a fantastic way to boost your overall health, including your mental and physical well-being. It can extend your life, reduce disease risks, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Some studies even suggest that regular brisk walking could be the only exercise you need to stay healthy and live longer.

A major reason people get sick or pass away early is not moving around enough. Even if you can’t go to the gym or do other workouts, you can always try walking each day. Walking can be a great way to stay healthy, especially when you’re eating well. In fact, it’s been shown to be one of the top exercises for living longer and keeping your health in good shape. Here are some benefits of walking that can help you live a longer and healthier life:

Keeps weight in check

A study from Harvard says that walking quickly for about an hour every day can cut your chances of becoming obese in half. Another research in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise showed that walking can help you burn calories and lessen the issues related to obesity.

Boosts immunity

Do you catch colds or the flu a lot? You might get sick often if your immune system isn’t very strong. Being physically active can lower these risks. Research has found that only 30 minutes of brisk walking can lessen inflammation and assist in making more immune cells, making your immune system stronger.

Reduces joint pain

A study in The American Journal of Medicine discovered that walking can help reduce bone loss in your legs. It also keeps your joints healthy by making your muscles, especially in your knees and hips, stronger, which can lower your chances of getting osteoarthritis.

Lowers the risk of dementia

Dementia is thought to be one of the main reasons many women pass away. While walking isn’t a cure-all, it can certainly reduce the risk somewhat. According to a study by Harvard Health researchers, people who walked more had a lower chance of getting dementia.

Alleviates heart disease risk

Did you realize that heart disease is one of the main causes of death worldwide? Research has indicated that walking can lower the risk of heart disease. Just walking 3,867 steps each day may decrease your chances of cardiovascular disease-related death.

Whether you aim for 10,000 steps daily or opt for 4,000 steps, the main goal should be reducing the risk of getting harmful diseases. Ensure you include some form of physical activity in your daily routine to maintain your overall health.